
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Burlap Canvas Makeover

I came across this on Pinterest, of course and wanted to try to recreate it using Uppercase Living.  I Pinned it and kept it in my mind as a potential project someday.  Then one day while in Hobby Lobby I came across a burlap canvas with a Paris scene (sorry I forgot to get a before picture! *gasp*) on clearance for $5!  Yes, $5!  So of course it went home with me!
I put several coats of acrylic paint on it, let it dry...and ordered my birds!  The tree was going to be a little more difficult and I only had one canvas at the time so I was focusing on the birds one for now.
I then put a coat of ModPodge over the entire canvas to help the vinyl adhere.

 Apply the birds...I also had help from my hair dryer and a dry cloth.  The burlap is a little tricky to work with, but we managed.  Once I got the paper all off I again blew the birds with the hair dryer while rubbing them into the burlap at the same time.  I then put another coal of ModPodge over the whole thing!
In the meantime, I found the canvas on the left at Hobby Lobby...already with a tree and a bird.  I waited for art/canvases to go 50% off and bought it.  The bird color does not match quite as well as I thought it would.  My other birds are all a different shade, but I'm still thinking I might put a UL bird over top of the one on the tree so it matches better, but I will need to order one...and I'm not sure we have one that looks like it's setting, but I will figure something out.  Now they will be carefully put into storage until we find a house.  As we are currently house hunting!  :)  (more on that another day)
Hope you enjoyed this little makeover.  I was pretty pleased with myself, and the results!
A life of,