
Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Looking back over this past year and all I can say is "Hitherto, the Lord hath helped us!"  Yes that is today's Streams in the Desert's devotion, but it is so fitting for our family this year!  But such a blessing to be able to go out of the year and still have Victory in our souls.  No matter what has happened throughout the year, physically, financially, mentally, materially, temporal, or any thing else...what happened spiritually is the most important.  Although it has been rough in all these other areas, I have to say, I do believe we have gained spiritually! 

I am not normally eager for time to move on, it moves so quickly, but I am happy to see 2013 come to a close.  I do hope 2014 is a bit of a better year for our family.  But in my reflections this morning, I still have a lot to be thankful for, and that is my focus today...not focusing on everything that has gone wrong this year, but for everything I still have to be thankful for:

~the health that we DO have.
~the home that God has provided us.
~we are not starving.
~we are (mostly) warm.  (lol...this house is a little harder to keep warm...)
~we still have freedom to pray, worship, sing, go to church (don't want to take this for granted...I fear we will all too soon lose this freedom!)
~We still have God...
~Prayer...oh I'm so thankful for prayer!!!!
~it is snowing...right I type:)
~a place to put my weary head at the end of the day
~a vehicle to get me where I need to go
~friends & church family that care so much about us!  They have truly become a part of my family/life.  I can't imagine my life without them!
~Most of all that we still have each other, husband...and my 3 sweet boys...and God! 
~So very thankful for God...for Jesus!

There is so much more, but as most of you know when you start counting your blessings, there really is no good stopping point!  I just wanted to end 2013 being thankful!

This song has been a blessing to me this year...I want to share it...I would say this would have to be my song for this year!

It's gonna be ok, because the potter knows the clay!  I'm holding on to that!
Hope you all have a very blessed 2014!

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