
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Attitude Adjustment

Money Saving Mom has inspired me with this post of hers.  I have already been working on getting rid of negativity in my life...because it just makes me feel terrible.  It affects everything about your day.
So after reading Money saving mom's post, I was inspired.  Some of the things I already do, but some are going to be added.  I hope she does not mind if I use some of her titles.  Descriptions are my own... I have since created my own list, in no particular order:

1.  Get up earlier.  I used to (waaaayyy back before we moved up north, from our slow paced southern life) get up between 6-6:30 a.m.  I loved it!  I loved how I felt, I loved watching the sunrise, opening windows, hearing the birds sing...quiet...loved the quiet.  It was my time with God.  Well, after moving here...schedules are CRAZY.  Life is so busy and fast paced.  I have already been backing off, and being less involved, as to slow it down a bit.  But still getting back on the early morning routine has been a struggle for me.  But I am determined to get it back!  (I'll keep you updated on how that's going!)

2.  Eat breakfast, make a cup of coffee.  Breakfast used to be one of those meals I would skip.  Not anymore!  It might be the same thing every single morning, but I do not skip it.  In my endeavors to stick to THM (Trim Healthy Momma), I've learned the importance of breakfast.  I love my hot drink in the morning as well.  It is one thing I am finding very difficult to give up.  I have tried, and it's not that I HAVE to have the caffeine, I just really need that hot drink in the morning.  Hopefully I will be able to find a better way of sweetening it, but as of this moment, it is my one thing that I still have not fully given in to plan on.

3.  Light a candle.  One of my most favorite things of all is a clean house, and candles burning.  Open windows are a plus!  I used to would only light the candles if the room was spotless.  Not any more!  MSM (Money saving mom)  inspired me to go ahead and enjoy my candles anyway!  I at least light the one in the kitchen first thing in the morning!  (Look out babe, I'll be buying more candles...hehe)

4.  Take time to brain dump.  I really hated to use MSM's exact words, but I just love how she put it!  Dump my brain out on the paper!  When I think of tasks, chores, DIY's, to do's etc.  It is getting added to a list.  Get it out of my brain and on paper.

5.  Organize a to do list for the day, and "time block" them.  Looking at my list from the brain dump, organize what needs to be done for this day, and put them in a time schedule.  To try to keep things in perspective.

6.  Don't over book myself for the day.  I guess 5 and 6 would kind of go together, but by time blocking it helps me to not over book myself.  I tend to bite off more than I can chew, then I'm stressed out and can get grouchy if I don't get done what I want to get done.  That takes me to number 7.

7.  Learning to let it go.  I know some hate the song from "Frozen" "Let It Go", but sometimes it is my theme.  Sometimes you just have to let it go!  Is it really worth getting all stressed out and grouchy over?  Really?

8.  Jot down 3 things I'm thankful for.  A thankful heart is a happy heart.  If you are being thankful you are not complaining.  It also helps drive negativity away.

9.  Read my Bible.  As I said this list is in no particular order, and this is usually one of the first things that happens in my day.  Gives me something to meditate on as well.  In addition to just reading a chapter or whatever I am also starting to do some more intensive personal studies...and examining my own self.  When we are being like Christ, that for sure drives negativity away, and makes us happier.

10.  Turn on music.  This is a new one for me, but it is so helpful!  Usually music is coming on while straightening up the rest of the house.  It drives the clouds away, and more often than not you end up singing all day.  

11.  Clean out the inbox.  If I don't stay on top of the inbox DAILY it gets away from me and gets overwhelming.  Take care of the emails...every day!

12. the very least smile.  Anyone that knows me knows I love to laugh.  Laughter is the best medicine.  Laughter is a stress reliever.  Laugh a lot when you are young all your wrinkles will be in the right place when you are old....You get the point!  Seriously though, laughing just makes everything better.

13.  Blog.  I'm TRYING to do this daily.  I may not actually POST daily, but I am trying to at least type/blog for at least 20-30 min/day.  Also, goes with "brain dumping".  Some of my "dumping" will be here.  This ends up being more a journal for me.

14.  Hug my boys.  Life is short.  They grow up so fast.  I need them to know I love them.  And I need them to always know that affection is ok.  It's ok, to let those you love know you love them.

15.  Hug and kiss my husband.  He needs to know I love him too.  And like MSM said, there is no G-rating here!  My boys need to also know how to love their wives someday.

16.  Exercise.  This one is one of my hardest.  If I get up earlier it is easier.  But exercising is not my strong point.  However, I do feel better when I do it.  So that helps.  Exercise also helps clear the mind, and keep things positive.

17.  Shower.  Every.Single.Day.period.  I feel nasty if I don't!

18.  Love what I wear.  I actually have been working on this one for a while.  I have decided if I don't like it, if I don't feel good wearing it, then it goes.  Life is short...why wear clothes you hate? 

19.  Read.  Every day I try to read AT LEAST one chapter of whatever book I am currently reading.  As a busy mom, sometimes that's all I can get in, but reading is important.  I make the boys read, I must read.

20.  Do something for someone else.  Always looking for ways to help the other people that live in my house.  Doing for someone else makes everyone happy.

21.  Breath.  Just stop, relax, and take a deep breath!  Catch your breath...maybe with 22.  It makes a big difference in my day.

22.  2nd hot drink.  Or other favorite drink.  (depending on time of year)  Need it to help 21. ;)

23.  Eat healthy.  THM...makes me feel good.  Makes me feel good about myself.  

24.  Drink plenty of water.  Just because it makes me feel good to get my water in for the day.

25.  Take my vitamins.  I actually take several vitamins.  Yes, they make a difference.

26.  Daily run through straighten up.  I at the very least straighten every room.  (except the boys' bedrooms they are responsible for their own)  Keeps things from getting out of hand.

27.  Do 2 loads of laundry.  At least.  If I have time or feel like doing more, great, but at least 2, helps me stay on top of my game.

28.  Listen to or read something that makes me think.  Usually it is my Streams in the Dessert.  or an old message.  Keeps your brain in gear.   Spiritual growth.

29.  Post on Instagram and/or facebook.  Just to keep up.  To stay involved with my family and friends that I don't get to see often.

30.  Text a family member or friend.  Or my hubby.  ;)  Just to keep relationships alive.

31.  Clean up kitchen.  A messy kitchen DRIVES ME CRAZY!  I want clean counters when I get up in the morning!  Put things in the dishwasher as they are used...etc.  Cleanliness is next to godliness.  

32.  Chill with the fam.  In the evenings we chill together.  Whether just setting and talking, playing a game, listening to a story.  We enjoy each others company.  

33.  Clean a pinterest folder.  Each day I have been cleaning at least one pinterest folder.  once that's done I'll have to come up with another 33.  But that will be a while!  LOL

34.  Make my bed!  An unmade bed makes the whole room a mess.  Enough said.

35.  Discuss my day with my husband. We talk about our day with each other.  Keeping each other informed of our thoughts, feelings, frustrations, joys, fears, dreams.  Keeps us connected, and makes us understand each other.

36.  Dinner plan.  This is actually one of the first things I do in a day.  I figure out what we will have for dinner, so I will know all day what time to start preparing.  Makes life so much easier.

37.  Pray.  I have to talk to God daily!  I need his help and strength to get through each and every day.  Telling God all about everything, helps me keep things in perspective.  I NEED this connection.

38.  Go to bed at a decent hour.  If I can do makes 1 so much easier.  Although, there are a couple in particular that messes with me every.single.time!  There is NOTHING I can do about it, but if I can get the other 6 in order, then I am happy.


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