I feel I have done pretty well in keeping myself encouraged, especially of late. But almost two weeks ago on Monday-Wednesday I was really fighting a battle. I was having a really hard time keeping my head above water. The devil was trying to take away the ground I had gained. Trying to make me feel alone and abandoned!
The faithfulness of God is SOOOO beautiful! Went to church on Wed. night and our pastor brought a beautiful message that spoke right to my heart. "How long Lord?" "Until the end!" His grace is sufficient! Wear your White Robe of Grace. I was laying in bed meditating/praying about the message and God brought to mind an incident that had happened to me a little over a year ago...July 15, 2012 to be exact.
Son #1 wanted to go tubing for his 16th birthday. We took another family...friends...of ours along with us. Everyone took a turn tubing except the 2 mommas. Everyone kept begging us moms to go... Mind you, I am petrified of water, I do not know how to swim...it was a miracle they even got me on the boat...but was that enough? NOOOOO They just HAD to get me on the tube! I finally looked at "her" and said, "I'll go if you go." I really didn't think she would go. Well guess what!? Yep! SHE WENT! NOOOO DON'T DO THAT TO ME!!!! Well, after she went, then I HAD to go! I was scared to death! I got on that tube and off they went.
(From here I am going to give you the parallels/analogy italicized that God gave me as I explain.)
When they sped up the boat I was jerked back and felt like I was falling off the back of the tube. I tried to pull myself up towards the front of the tube. Well, when I done that the front of the tube started going under water. I knew immediately that this was not going to be a good thing. All of a sudden we are "jerked" back into a dark murky trial. How many times, even though we are hanging on, do we feel like we are going to fall and try to "jerk" ourselves ahead of God? When we do, we start to go under. We must be patient and wait on Him! There is a lesson to be learned and we must learn it. Sure enough, the front of the tube went under water and I flipped off. I was petrified, but I WAS NOT letting go of that tube! We may have messed up, but can't afford to let go of our hope! or we just may simply be in the thick of the battle, but we cannot afford to let go of our hope...our lifeline!
Everyone on the boat was yelling, "Let go of the tube, let go of the tube." But I knew if I let go of the tube I would panic...most likely drown. I had on a life jacket but I did not feel it was doing me any good. Friends/family may mean well, and give wrong advice (not saying that letting go of the tube is normally bad advice, but for the sake of MY LESSON it was) but you HAVE to do what you know in your heart is right even if that means standing alone! There was no way in the world I could let go of that tube...it was my life line! I KNEW I HAD to hold on...I could not let go! Jesus is our lifeline!!! THANK GOD!!!! You CANNOT let Him go! You just can't! You have to hold on for dear life! I HAD to cling to Him! I just HAVE too!
The tube: the situation: If I had gotten "under" the tube, I would have drowned...I had to at least keep my head above it! I could use the tube to push my head up. We cannot get under our situations. We MUST remain above them! Use them if we must to pull ourselves up, but do not get under them. They can either help us or hurt us...it is up to us. All in how we handle/look at it!
I was scared to death and telling myself...don't panic, don't panic. I was so on the verge of panic...I could feel it. Then I looked up, and seen my husband standing on the boat. I made eye contact with him. I said, "Help me!" He seen me! He knew I needed him, and I suddenly knew everything would be ok, that he would come help me. I knew I would be ok! He is going to come to my rescue! I knew he wouldn't leave me out there! Oh I think this is my absolute favorite part of the comparison! We may feel like we just CANNOT go on, we are slipping, we are not going to make it. Then I "look up" and realize, God sees me! He KNOWS I'm struggling, He knows I am here, exactly where I am and at any moment He is going to come to my rescue! He sees me and He is going to come help me! All I can utter is "Help me!" He is on His way! OH PRAISE THE LIVING GOD! He is so faithful! Any moment He is jumping in that water!
Sure enough! About that time my handsome husband jumps into the water...HE IS COMING TO HELP ME/RESCUE ME! Take me back to the boat! Back to dry ground! Any moment now God is going to jump into the water, He is going to come to my rescue! I will make it, I will be OK!
I just laid in bed and cried! The song "Hold On A Little Longer, Help is on the Way" came to me about this time and it just keeps going over and over in my mind! I cannot get this parallel out of my mind! I don't WANT to get this parallel out of my mind! Oh God is sooo good to us! SO Faithful! Even our everyday situations that we go through God can/will use again. I never even considered that that tubing incident would ever help to aid me through another situation in life. One that is so dark and scary. But EVERYTHING happens for a reason! You will probably never get me on a tube again, but NOW I wouldn't change that experience for the world!
We are still in the thick of it, but I know that at any moment God is going to come to my rescue! He sees me! He knows where I am and what I'm going through! Oh I cannot express it like I feel it! God is so SO wonderful! Just keep trusting in Him and He will not fail us!
Squire Parsons
To the weary, weary traveler walkin' down life's road
To the one who's heavy laden tryin' to bear the load
To the soldier who's been wounded in the battle for the Lord
Lift up the blood stain banner and don't lay down the sword
Hold on a little longer, help is on the way
Hold on a little longer, you'll find strength today
Walk on a little farther, His holy Word obey
Hold on a little longer for help is on the way
Any moment you're gonna look up and see through your tears
Any second you're gonna realize there's a holy presence near
And you'll witness all the strongholds of the enemy fall down
Hold on a little longer, soon you'll hear sweet victory's sound
Hold on a little longer, help is on the way
Hold on a little longer, you'll find strength today
Walk on a little farther, His holy Word obey
Hold on a little longer for help is on the way
To the weary, weary traveler walkin' down life's road
To the one who's heavy laden tryin' to bear the load
To the soldier who's been wounded in the battle for the Lord
Lift up the blood stain banner and don't lay down the sword
Hold on a little longer, help is on the way
Hold on a little longer, you'll find strength today
Walk on a little farther, His holy Word obey
Hold on a little longer for help is on the way
Any moment you're gonna look up and see through your tears
Any second you're gonna realize there's a holy presence near
And you'll witness all the strongholds of the enemy fall down
Hold on a little longer, soon you'll hear sweet victory's sound
Hold on a little longer, help is on the way
Hold on a little longer, you'll find strength today
Walk on a little farther, His holy Word obey
Hold on a little longer for help is on the way
Praise God!
Thank you for taking time to check in with us!
We are still,

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