David's and mine...
our experiences,
our hurdles,
our battles,
our victories,
our lessons...
But some of them have to be told AFTER they are won...to keep others from killing us by "helping" to cut the cocoon that God has created for us to fight our way out of. THIS is just one such battle. But "Help is on the Way". God gave me that and I am clinging to it. I remind myself...and God almost daily...I'm holding on...help is on the way!
I have ideas and goals for this blog...and I am currently working on each of them. I hope to have a somewhat "daily theme". I am working on all of it.
I have a goal for this week. Today is "catch up from a crazy week" day...I had extra children last week, trying to help out a dear friend. Most of the week I had 5 children...Saturday I had 9! I learned a lot! LOL One lesson...I do not want 9 children! haha! But we had a good time overall. I was exhausted, but so rewarding knowing that the whole reason for doing it was accomplished! THAT is what mattered in the end! I am so glad I was able to be a help. Isn't that why we are here anyway? To help each other? To be there for each other?
Hopefully that will also incorporate the blogging routine I hope to have. Blogging will also double as my journal. I just might write a book someday. I have had several ask me to. We shall see...What the Lord says about it. :)
But for now...
We are still,

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