This week will be the final sycamine tree lesson. Part V. Here is Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV if you have missed them.
As before, please keep in mind my (DISCLAIMER: I know nothing of Rick Renner or Rick Renner Ministries. I am in no way promoting them, only using this writing of his that was very good.) And that all MY (and things the teacher added) thoughts will be in italics.
Part V
4. The sycamine tree was pollinated only by wasps.
It is very interesting to note that the sycamine tree was not naturally pollinated. The pollination process was only initiated when a wasp stuck its stinger right into the heart of the fruit. Thus, the tree and it's fruit had to be "stung" in order to be reproduced. Had to be stung to reproduce!
Think of how many times you have heard a bitter person say: "I've been stung by that person once, but I'm not going to be stung again! What he did hurt me so badly that I'll never let him get close enough to sting me again!" It is likely that people who make such a statement have been "stung" by a situation that the devil especially devised to pollinate their hearts and souls with bitterness and unforgiveness. When a person talks like this, you can know for sure that the wasp of bitterness got to them!
Jesus said that in order to rid this nuisance from one's life, a person must have faith the size of "a grain of mustard see." The word "grain" is the Greek word kokkos. It describes a see, a grain, or a very small kernel. Jesus uses the example of a "mustard" seed in this example. The word "mustard" is the Greek word sinapi, which refers to the small mustard plant that grows from a tiny, miniscule seed.
By using this word, Jesus was telling His disciples that a great amount of faith is not needed to deal with bitterness and unforgiveness. Any person who has even a tiny measure of faith can speak to bitterness and unforgiveness and command them to leave-IF that is really the desire of his heart.
So what is your desire today, friend? Do you genuinely wish to be free from the bitterness, unforgiveness, and offense that has festered in your soul for so long? Are you ready to rip those destructive roots clear out of your heart so they won't be able to resurface in your life again? Are you tired of those detrimental attitudes killing your joy, stealing your peace, and nullifying your spiritual life?
I hope you have enjoyed these lessons as much as I have! It definitely brought about some thinking and soul searching in myself! Hope you have a blessed week!
Over here we are still,
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