As we covered Part I last week. Today we are going to cover Part II.
Please keep in mind my (DISCLAIMER: I know nothing of Rick Renner or Rick Renner Ministries. I am in no way promoting them, only using this writing of his that was very good.) And that all MY (and things the teacher added) thoughts will be in italics.
1. The sycamine tree had a very large and deep root structure.
The sycamine tree was known to have one of the deepest root structures of all trees in the Middle East. It was a vigorous and robust tree that grew to a height of thirty feet or more. Because its roots went down so deep into the earth, it was very difficult to kill. Hot weather and blistering temperatures had little effect on this tree because it was tapped into a water source down deep under the earth. Even cutting it to its base would not guarantee its death because its roots, hidden deep under the ground, would draw from underground sources of water, enabling it to keep resurfacing again and again. In other words, this tree was VERY difficult to eradicate.
(just look at these roots...they are bigger than the tree itself!)
No wonder Jesus used this tree as an example of bitterness and unforgiveness! Like the sycamine tree, bitterness and unforgiveness must be dealt with clear to the roots, or they will keep springing up again and again. The roots of bitterness and unforgiveness go down deep into the human soul, fed by any offense that lies hidden in the soil of the heart. That hidden source of offense will cause these evil forces to resurface in a person's life over and over again. It will take a serious decision for that person to rip those roots of bitterness and offense out of his heart once and for all so they can't grow back in the future.
Some definitions:
give- let go; give up; completely give up; give up desire to see it punished; untie; release
forgive-to grant pardon for an offense
rebuke-sharp, stern disapproval of.
offense-insult; injury; striking against; feelings being hurt
trespass- when someone crosses our boundaries and hurts us.violation; causes injury to person, property or rights of another; unlawful act
Matthew 18:21-22 Jesus tells us to forgive 70 times 7...he doesn't literally mean 490 times. He is saying over and over and over...I mean really if you are counting there is already something working.
I mentioned last week that sometimes we need to "rebuke" the offender...they may not (or may) know that they have caused an offense.
Hebrews 12:15 looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;
Forgiveness isn't for the offender. It's for the offended. The Hebrew writer said LOOKING DILIGENTLY LEST... Also Luke 17:3 says; Take HEED to YOURSELVES: if thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him.
Take HEED! Heed- give careful attention to. Take heed TO YOURSELF, so do protect yourself. Forgiveness it to protect your own heart! Your own self!
I remember my mother telling me one time about something that had happened to her. I can't find the date (if I do find it I will edit the post and insert it.) but there was a devotion in the Streams in the Desert that talked about someone who had been deeply hurt. They went out and dug a hole and buried the hurt...but they had to dig it deep. My mother was so hurt by this individual...hurt deeply. One day she was determined she was going to get rid of this hurt. She went to her room, closed the door, and was not coming out until God had taken it from her. She got down to pray and she mentally began digging a hole. After a while she said, I think this is deep enough. No, you need to go deeper. So she dug deeper. This went on for a while. Finally, she felt a peace that the hole was deep enough. She laid her hurt there, and covered it up. Yes, she still remembered what had happened, but she no longer carried the hurt with her. She had given it to God.
Just like the sycamine roots are so very deep, we have to dig deep to get to the ROOT of the problem so it can be eradicated. I have never forgotten that story. What if my mother had not gone deeper when the still small voice told her too? It would have been too near the surface, that it could have been dug back up. She had to make sure it was deep enough so it couldn't poke it's ugly head back up.
My own personal experience. Several years ago, I received the ugliest, nastiest letter on my birthday. I cried for days...weeks...I was so hurt, so crushed, so...everything. It was just horrible! I had kept that letter for a while, b/c once the hurt passed, then I became angry. I was so angry at this person. I do not remember how long I kept this, but one day as I was mentally struggling with this, and really wanted to be free of the anger. I really felt God was telling me to let it go...just let it go! I can't remember the exact situation now...I don't remember if we were having a family campfire, or just burning some boxes or what, but I got that letter and burnt it. It was so liberating to be free from that letter. I could go around that individual after that, it was tense, but I could do it. And I would try to do things, small things for that person. I really was probably doing it for myself to help me deal with it, but I did. It seemed to only frustrate the other person, but I kept on. Not trying to frustrate them, but b/c I wanted to prove I still cared. I don't know when...I don't know how (I do know God...)...but at some point that wall crumbled and to this day I do not remember anything that was written in that letter, and this person and I can talk freely and are on good terms with each other. I can now honestly say I love this person dearly. It certainly was nothing I done...nothing at all. It was definitely God. But I had to be obedient to what He inspired me to do.
I am currently in a situation that is a little harder to seem to rectify. There are some you have to bury and then keep your distance. It happens. If someone willingly will not respect your boundaries you have to put some distance there. If someone is bent on continually hurting you, you aren't going to keep going around them. I received some counseling on this situation because I really needed to know if I was as horrible as I was being told I was. Because if I was, I was badly deceived, and needed help. The devil was making a playground out of this situation. It was put to me this way; if you knew every time you walked by me I was going to kick you in the shins or spit on you, eventually you would stop walking by me and make every effort to find another way. That is not is avoiding unnecessary pain. You still have to pray for the person(s) involved, and you can't hate them, and you have to forgive them, but you do not have to knowingly put yourself in position to be hurt. This situation is a burden to me, and I have to make sure I do not become bitter. Sometimes it's harder if things were also said of your spouse and/or children. (as in this case it was...and I KNOW those things were untrue) The wife/mom in you wants to stand up and defend their honor! Sometimes when I see those individuals all I can think about is what was said...then I know I still need to dig a little deeper. This lesson has helped me to realize I need to dig a little deeper to bury this hurt. So that I can honestly see them and that not be my first thoughts. Yes, there may always be a wall there, that may be something I can do nothing about, but I sure want to protect my own heart! I will know I have dug deep enough when I see them or think of them and not think of what was said. In fact, I just remembered...I think I have some evidence around here still. I am going to go "burn" that right now! Keeping "evidence" is a sign you are not ready to let it go. It's also too easy to go back and "refresh the pain"... Just keeping it real. :)
UPDATE: I did find the "evidence" in a folder titled "Misery Loves Company". I'm sure when I made the folder I was thinking of them...but...anywho...I deleted it. I didn't open and read any of it...just deleted it. But then you also have to take out the trash...don't leave it in the trash so it's easy to get back. I "took out the trash too"!
Yes, I am still learning and,
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