Friday, October 31, 2014
Dear Mom,
Dear Mom,
There are some things that happen that will ALWAYS make me think of you! One of those things is the first SNOW in October! I remember we always hoped/prayed (lol) that it would at least wait until the upper twenties at earliest, but we really hoped it would come the 31st! (For those who don't know why: Supposedly... Whatever date the first snow in October fell on...that's how many snows you are suppose to get that winter. Don't be hatin'!) Well, today is the... 31st and guess what!? There is suppose to be a wintery mix tonight! Now it is time for you to say, "maybe we will get our blizzard this year." And we all yell, "NO Don't say that! Everytime you say that and we don't get one! Don't say it so maybe we will get one!" Oh the memories! So precious! You instilled in (most) of your children love for the winter! I will enjoy some hot drink for you...Your favorite son-in-law (lol) will have to reheat his 3 times though!
Love you and miss you LOTS!
Friday, October 17, 2014
These boys say the funniest things...
Since this blog is a journal (of sorts) of our little lives, I have to include all the I don't forget them! This is a super great place for me to put them until I can catch up the scrapbooks! :) Here are September and so far through October...and Heaven knows there were a bunch I forgot to write down! These boys keep me laughing! And I love love love it! Enjoy!
I am in trouble! Firefighter and Pilot are keeping track of how many calories they are eating today. .. started out as they just were curious how many they eat. .. Well now it has turned into a contest to see who could eat the most. ..I think I need to give them some more chores!
I made homemade pizza for dinner and had no idea how many calories was in one I just made something up. Pilot looked at Firefighter and said, "Dude you just ate a whole week's allotment for a moose!" Bwahahaha...they crack me up!
10/9/14 So Firefighter's township was in a homecoming parade tonight. He came home and said the parade was in T. City! Bwahaha. .. Hubby wanted to know if the parade got a speeding ticket. Lol Firefighter said there were more people in the parade than there were spectators. Love hearing him tell his stories. .. he's so funny.
These boys are on a roll tonight. Firefighter: (sitting on the couch) hey Pilot bring me some carrots and water.
I'm sitting here like are you serious?
Me: Pilot, are you seriously waiting on him?
Pilot: no he's waiting on me.
10/15/14 Legoman: hey mom, have you ever had your hands, face, and stomach tingling at the same time?
Me: yes its called hyperventilating. .. we're you breathing weird while doing your treatment?
Legoman: yes (and proceeded to demonstrate)
Me: you didn't do your treatment properly.
Legoman: I didn't? ...
Me: um. .. no. .. I'm pretty sure hyperventilating is not the goal!
That boy!
Pilot wants to know if the truck will run on speedy freeze. .. $.99/gallon... you know maybe mt. Dew speedy freeze fuel... lol
The boys have a "braces off" date, and they said, "We need to start a grocery list for THAT day!" List: doritoes, snickers, popcorn, sunflower seeds...a HUGE bag!, pretzels...LOL! Me: but you've already been eating some of those things. Boys: yeah, but we had to be super careful...we want to ENJOY them! They are so funny.
I am in trouble! Firefighter and Pilot are keeping track of how many calories they are eating today. .. started out as they just were curious how many they eat. .. Well now it has turned into a contest to see who could eat the most. ..I think I need to give them some more chores!
I made homemade pizza for dinner and had no idea how many calories was in one I just made something up. Pilot looked at Firefighter and said, "Dude you just ate a whole week's allotment for a moose!" Bwahahaha...they crack me up!
10/9/14 So Firefighter's township was in a homecoming parade tonight. He came home and said the parade was in T. City! Bwahaha. .. Hubby wanted to know if the parade got a speeding ticket. Lol Firefighter said there were more people in the parade than there were spectators. Love hearing him tell his stories. .. he's so funny.
These boys are on a roll tonight. Firefighter: (sitting on the couch) hey Pilot bring me some carrots and water.
I'm sitting here like are you serious?
Me: Pilot, are you seriously waiting on him?
Pilot: no he's waiting on me.
10/15/14 Legoman: hey mom, have you ever had your hands, face, and stomach tingling at the same time?
Me: yes its called hyperventilating. .. we're you breathing weird while doing your treatment?
Legoman: yes (and proceeded to demonstrate)
Me: you didn't do your treatment properly.
Legoman: I didn't? ...
Me: um. .. no. .. I'm pretty sure hyperventilating is not the goal!
That boy!
Pilot wants to know if the truck will run on speedy freeze. .. $.99/gallon... you know maybe mt. Dew speedy freeze fuel... lol
The boys have a "braces off" date, and they said, "We need to start a grocery list for THAT day!" List: doritoes, snickers, popcorn, sunflower seeds...a HUGE bag!, pretzels...LOL! Me: but you've already been eating some of those things. Boys: yeah, but we had to be super careful...we want to ENJOY them! They are so funny.
Friday, October 10, 2014

Weight loss update...have had a rough far as eating goes. My hubby had a "weakened" week...and wanted everything he shouldn't have and that kind of affected me too! LOL It's so much easier when he stays on plan with me! know! Anyway, I know that's excuses, but my willpower just isn't strong by myself! But regardless, I only gained 1/2 a pound, (that is not my feet in above don't anyone go crazy!) so I'm not too terribly disappointed. We keep having dinner invites, and such that tend to make things a little harder, but we love spending time with our friends and getting to meet new ones! So we are determined to work harder this next week. That's where I am for this week.
I think this is a really good point! LOL

If only it worked like this!
Now for an update on the Coffee table. I finally found knobs for it...
...and I love it!
I hope you all have a great weekend!
We are still,
Friday, October 3, 2014
I have decided since Friday is the day of reckoning...I would make Friday's post about the previous weeks progress.
I kept hearing a lot about THM and seeing multiple posts about different ones on Facebook. My first thought was "Oh it's just another crazy diet." But after being in a friends home and briefly hearing her story, and glancing through her book, I decided I wanted to read it for myself. So I purchased the Trim Healthy Mama book.
I kept hearing a lot about THM and seeing multiple posts about different ones on Facebook. My first thought was "Oh it's just another crazy diet." But after being in a friends home and briefly hearing her story, and glancing through her book, I decided I wanted to read it for myself. So I purchased the Trim Healthy Mama book.
Now let me this point I had pretty much resigned myself to just being the way I am forever. Nothing works, it's too hard, the way I have to feed the boys, so on and so on.
I started reading this book and I was crying before I finished the first chapter! I so found myself! This makes sooo much sense! I was starting to feel hope again! I will admit it was overwhelming at first and kind of hard for me to figure out how to get started. It was suggested to me to just start with one meal, breakfast, for a week then the next week add another and so on until I was fully on plan, but if I was going to do it, it was going to be all or nothing. That made it very overwhelming to me. Looking back I probably should have taken the advice I was given, but I'm pretty much there now.
I started reading this book and I was crying before I finished the first chapter! I so found myself! This makes sooo much sense! I was starting to feel hope again! I will admit it was overwhelming at first and kind of hard for me to figure out how to get started. It was suggested to me to just start with one meal, breakfast, for a week then the next week add another and so on until I was fully on plan, but if I was going to do it, it was going to be all or nothing. That made it very overwhelming to me. Looking back I probably should have taken the advice I was given, but I'm pretty much there now.
Now I will be the first to tell you I DO NOT follow every single thing to the letter. There are some things that I just can't do, or don't like, but the principle I try to follow as much as I can.
Anywho...I started the next week and for the first time ever my husband said he was going to follow the plan with me. Now he "cheats" more often than I do, but he 80% following it and that's a MAJOR encouragement to me!
We have been on the plan for about 5 weeks, and with a couple of hard weeks in there, I have lost 9.4 lbs. I've been kind of stuck there for a couple weeks, but from what I am reading/hearing that is normal. Your body has to heal. However, I am telling a difference in my clothing, so I know something is working. AND I FEEL SOOO MUCH BETTER!
I'm not ready to disclose my starting weight (it's very embarrassing to me). But maybe when I lose enough...(huhumm) I will feel more comfortable sharing that info. I feel excited and hopeful for the first time in a very long time!
I'm not ready to disclose my starting weight (it's very embarrassing to me). But maybe when I lose enough...(huhumm) I will feel more comfortable sharing that info. I feel excited and hopeful for the first time in a very long time!
It has taken me years to get in this shape and it won't "fix" overnight.
One of the things I was concerned about being hard, was giving up potatoes...white potatoes. I LOVE potatoes! (These can be added back in occasionally after you reach goal so don't freak out.) But I have found some satisfying replacements.
That is going to be my THM tip for this week. Cauliflower is an awesome replacement! I made "mashed cauliflower" twice this week and I love it! Even had gravy on it! My hubby loved it as well! They boys are like "are you serious?" But only one of them has tried it and he loved it as well! I cooked the cauli until it was soft. Then I put butter (yes you can eat real butter!) in my kitchen aid mixer, put in the cauli, a spoonful of sour cream, and then added unsweetened almond milk until it was the consistency I wanted. Now the mashed cauli won't be creamy like potatoes, they have a "funny texture", but it tastes wonderful! I was so excited!
Today my scales are still stuck, but I put on a skirt today that the last time I wore it (around the house) it was probably a little "vulgar looking". LOL Today it fits perfectly! This excites me! So the scales may not be dropping like I would like to see, but I feel so much better, and apparently the inches are falling off...(I only do measurements once a month and weigh once a week.) That is good! :) Last week was measurement day, and I had lost a total of 3".
Hope you all enjoy your weekend! If you want to follow this plan I strongly encourage you to purchase this the least...check it out at your library, then purchase it! You can purchase it here.
The Kegley Krew is losing (pounds and inches), but still,
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Transformation Tuesday
Hi! It is October already! My how time has flown this year!
Today I am going to post last week's project!
I purchased this at a yard sale over the summer...and just now got to refinishing it!
I fell in love with it because it was square...different than the coffee table most people have in their homes. I like "different than everyone else" ;)
Still needs the knobs put on, but I want to buy new ones. It is still setting in the garage "curing". Needs to "cure" for about a month until it can really be used...Secretly...I want to just save it for my new house...whenever that might be. :)
I have a pretty good idea how I want to use it in the room, and will try to post a pic when that day comes.
And here is a before and after together!
Today I am going to post last week's project!
I purchased this at a yard sale over the summer...and just now got to refinishing it!
I fell in love with it because it was square...different than the coffee table most people have in their homes. I like "different than everyone else" ;)
Now to get to work,
1st step...was sanding the whole thing.
Then I put a coat of primer on it. Then began the painting, Ivory Cream. I painted until there was no longer "show through" I lost count of how many coats...since it was a dark piece and I was going to light, it took more paint. Then 3 coats of polyurethane. Here is the finished product!
Still needs the knobs put on, but I want to buy new ones. It is still setting in the garage "curing". Needs to "cure" for about a month until it can really be used...Secretly...I want to just save it for my new house...whenever that might be. :)
I have a pretty good idea how I want to use it in the room, and will try to post a pic when that day comes.
And here is a before and after together!
Have a blessed day! Thanks for stopping by!
The Kegley's are still,
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