My grandmother had a horrible habit of saying "an that" at random places in her communication. This post is a bit of this...'an that. :)
First let me say, my posts are MY/OUR (as in 'our' I mean my husband and I) story. The personal experiences I share are just that. They are not intended to hurt anyone, hence the reason there are no names mentioned. If you read it and realize you are the person behind the experience...know that you gave us an experience to learn by. Please don't be offended. We are in this journey to help each other and if you put us through an experience that made us stronger, wiser...thank you! Some experiences, while going through them I wished I didn't have to, but once past them and looking back I see where they helped us.
Now on to other pieces of randomness...'an that.
Isn't this the most beautiful sight?! I absolutely love finding him sitting reading a book when it's not "school time"! This was taken on SUNDAY!!!! He didn't HAVE to be reading but he was!!!! So thankful for the progress we have made this year!
Same "dude" picked Chemistry/Physics for his Science this year (I hate Science, but he loves it...and of course Chemistry has a lot of "experiments"...sigh...) LOL Some of the experiments aren't bad...some of them are just flat annoying. LOL This one was cool...not as cool as I thought it would be, but it was still cool. We were making a "lava lamp"...only there was no light.
Pilot got one of his bazillion flashlights and tried to give us a light. LOL It just didn't bubble quite as much as I thought it would. We even put in several Alka Selzer tablets, but oh well, I think he got the point of what it was suppose to do...
While we are playing the "waiting" game, I've been somewhat simplifying our home. Waiting to buy a house is the waiting game we are playing. There is a minor detail we are waiting on, that HOPEFULLY will happen within the next month. Anywho...I think I have pretty much completed what I can for now. While organizing, I found a couple things my sister gave me to do after our mother passed away.
One was the pictures of her journey through breast cancer, and the supplies to scrapbook them. I completed that book yesterday morning with the exception that I need to buy another pack of page protectors.
The other was all the loose pictures that mom had that had not been put into an album. Let me tell you some of those were fun looking through! I think I have completed sorting through all of them. But there were a lot! So instead of scrapping all of them I sorted them in piles of "whose" they are. All of my siblings are going to get "their" piles, and I will scrapbook the ones that were mom and dad/family/whatever. So that is the project I am working on at the moment.
When that one is done I plan to start sorting through my own pictures. I actually have mine sorted by years, I just need to figure out what I need to have printed and catch up my own scrapbooks.
Just some random pieces of our life 'an that
while we are,