
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Attitude Adjustment

Money Saving Mom has inspired me with this post of hers.  I have already been working on getting rid of negativity in my life...because it just makes me feel terrible.  It affects everything about your day.
So after reading Money saving mom's post, I was inspired.  Some of the things I already do, but some are going to be added.  I hope she does not mind if I use some of her titles.  Descriptions are my own... I have since created my own list, in no particular order:

1.  Get up earlier.  I used to (waaaayyy back before we moved up north, from our slow paced southern life) get up between 6-6:30 a.m.  I loved it!  I loved how I felt, I loved watching the sunrise, opening windows, hearing the birds sing...quiet...loved the quiet.  It was my time with God.  Well, after moving here...schedules are CRAZY.  Life is so busy and fast paced.  I have already been backing off, and being less involved, as to slow it down a bit.  But still getting back on the early morning routine has been a struggle for me.  But I am determined to get it back!  (I'll keep you updated on how that's going!)

2.  Eat breakfast, make a cup of coffee.  Breakfast used to be one of those meals I would skip.  Not anymore!  It might be the same thing every single morning, but I do not skip it.  In my endeavors to stick to THM (Trim Healthy Momma), I've learned the importance of breakfast.  I love my hot drink in the morning as well.  It is one thing I am finding very difficult to give up.  I have tried, and it's not that I HAVE to have the caffeine, I just really need that hot drink in the morning.  Hopefully I will be able to find a better way of sweetening it, but as of this moment, it is my one thing that I still have not fully given in to plan on.

3.  Light a candle.  One of my most favorite things of all is a clean house, and candles burning.  Open windows are a plus!  I used to would only light the candles if the room was spotless.  Not any more!  MSM (Money saving mom)  inspired me to go ahead and enjoy my candles anyway!  I at least light the one in the kitchen first thing in the morning!  (Look out babe, I'll be buying more candles...hehe)

4.  Take time to brain dump.  I really hated to use MSM's exact words, but I just love how she put it!  Dump my brain out on the paper!  When I think of tasks, chores, DIY's, to do's etc.  It is getting added to a list.  Get it out of my brain and on paper.

5.  Organize a to do list for the day, and "time block" them.  Looking at my list from the brain dump, organize what needs to be done for this day, and put them in a time schedule.  To try to keep things in perspective.

6.  Don't over book myself for the day.  I guess 5 and 6 would kind of go together, but by time blocking it helps me to not over book myself.  I tend to bite off more than I can chew, then I'm stressed out and can get grouchy if I don't get done what I want to get done.  That takes me to number 7.

7.  Learning to let it go.  I know some hate the song from "Frozen" "Let It Go", but sometimes it is my theme.  Sometimes you just have to let it go!  Is it really worth getting all stressed out and grouchy over?  Really?

8.  Jot down 3 things I'm thankful for.  A thankful heart is a happy heart.  If you are being thankful you are not complaining.  It also helps drive negativity away.

9.  Read my Bible.  As I said this list is in no particular order, and this is usually one of the first things that happens in my day.  Gives me something to meditate on as well.  In addition to just reading a chapter or whatever I am also starting to do some more intensive personal studies...and examining my own self.  When we are being like Christ, that for sure drives negativity away, and makes us happier.

10.  Turn on music.  This is a new one for me, but it is so helpful!  Usually music is coming on while straightening up the rest of the house.  It drives the clouds away, and more often than not you end up singing all day.  

11.  Clean out the inbox.  If I don't stay on top of the inbox DAILY it gets away from me and gets overwhelming.  Take care of the emails...every day!

12. the very least smile.  Anyone that knows me knows I love to laugh.  Laughter is the best medicine.  Laughter is a stress reliever.  Laugh a lot when you are young all your wrinkles will be in the right place when you are old....You get the point!  Seriously though, laughing just makes everything better.

13.  Blog.  I'm TRYING to do this daily.  I may not actually POST daily, but I am trying to at least type/blog for at least 20-30 min/day.  Also, goes with "brain dumping".  Some of my "dumping" will be here.  This ends up being more a journal for me.

14.  Hug my boys.  Life is short.  They grow up so fast.  I need them to know I love them.  And I need them to always know that affection is ok.  It's ok, to let those you love know you love them.

15.  Hug and kiss my husband.  He needs to know I love him too.  And like MSM said, there is no G-rating here!  My boys need to also know how to love their wives someday.

16.  Exercise.  This one is one of my hardest.  If I get up earlier it is easier.  But exercising is not my strong point.  However, I do feel better when I do it.  So that helps.  Exercise also helps clear the mind, and keep things positive.

17.  Shower.  Every.Single.Day.period.  I feel nasty if I don't!

18.  Love what I wear.  I actually have been working on this one for a while.  I have decided if I don't like it, if I don't feel good wearing it, then it goes.  Life is short...why wear clothes you hate? 

19.  Read.  Every day I try to read AT LEAST one chapter of whatever book I am currently reading.  As a busy mom, sometimes that's all I can get in, but reading is important.  I make the boys read, I must read.

20.  Do something for someone else.  Always looking for ways to help the other people that live in my house.  Doing for someone else makes everyone happy.

21.  Breath.  Just stop, relax, and take a deep breath!  Catch your breath...maybe with 22.  It makes a big difference in my day.

22.  2nd hot drink.  Or other favorite drink.  (depending on time of year)  Need it to help 21. ;)

23.  Eat healthy.  THM...makes me feel good.  Makes me feel good about myself.  

24.  Drink plenty of water.  Just because it makes me feel good to get my water in for the day.

25.  Take my vitamins.  I actually take several vitamins.  Yes, they make a difference.

26.  Daily run through straighten up.  I at the very least straighten every room.  (except the boys' bedrooms they are responsible for their own)  Keeps things from getting out of hand.

27.  Do 2 loads of laundry.  At least.  If I have time or feel like doing more, great, but at least 2, helps me stay on top of my game.

28.  Listen to or read something that makes me think.  Usually it is my Streams in the Dessert.  or an old message.  Keeps your brain in gear.   Spiritual growth.

29.  Post on Instagram and/or facebook.  Just to keep up.  To stay involved with my family and friends that I don't get to see often.

30.  Text a family member or friend.  Or my hubby.  ;)  Just to keep relationships alive.

31.  Clean up kitchen.  A messy kitchen DRIVES ME CRAZY!  I want clean counters when I get up in the morning!  Put things in the dishwasher as they are used...etc.  Cleanliness is next to godliness.  

32.  Chill with the fam.  In the evenings we chill together.  Whether just setting and talking, playing a game, listening to a story.  We enjoy each others company.  

33.  Clean a pinterest folder.  Each day I have been cleaning at least one pinterest folder.  once that's done I'll have to come up with another 33.  But that will be a while!  LOL

34.  Make my bed!  An unmade bed makes the whole room a mess.  Enough said.

35.  Discuss my day with my husband. We talk about our day with each other.  Keeping each other informed of our thoughts, feelings, frustrations, joys, fears, dreams.  Keeps us connected, and makes us understand each other.

36.  Dinner plan.  This is actually one of the first things I do in a day.  I figure out what we will have for dinner, so I will know all day what time to start preparing.  Makes life so much easier.

37.  Pray.  I have to talk to God daily!  I need his help and strength to get through each and every day.  Telling God all about everything, helps me keep things in perspective.  I NEED this connection.

38.  Go to bed at a decent hour.  If I can do makes 1 so much easier.  Although, there are a couple in particular that messes with me every.single.time!  There is NOTHING I can do about it, but if I can get the other 6 in order, then I am happy.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Burlap Canvas Makeover

I came across this on Pinterest, of course and wanted to try to recreate it using Uppercase Living.  I Pinned it and kept it in my mind as a potential project someday.  Then one day while in Hobby Lobby I came across a burlap canvas with a Paris scene (sorry I forgot to get a before picture! *gasp*) on clearance for $5!  Yes, $5!  So of course it went home with me!
I put several coats of acrylic paint on it, let it dry...and ordered my birds!  The tree was going to be a little more difficult and I only had one canvas at the time so I was focusing on the birds one for now.
I then put a coat of ModPodge over the entire canvas to help the vinyl adhere.

 Apply the birds...I also had help from my hair dryer and a dry cloth.  The burlap is a little tricky to work with, but we managed.  Once I got the paper all off I again blew the birds with the hair dryer while rubbing them into the burlap at the same time.  I then put another coal of ModPodge over the whole thing!
In the meantime, I found the canvas on the left at Hobby Lobby...already with a tree and a bird.  I waited for art/canvases to go 50% off and bought it.  The bird color does not match quite as well as I thought it would.  My other birds are all a different shade, but I'm still thinking I might put a UL bird over top of the one on the tree so it matches better, but I will need to order one...and I'm not sure we have one that looks like it's setting, but I will figure something out.  Now they will be carefully put into storage until we find a house.  As we are currently house hunting!  :)  (more on that another day)
Hope you enjoyed this little makeover.  I was pretty pleased with myself, and the results!
A life of,

Friday, February 6, 2015

Weigh In

I have decided on a "different tactic".  The scales drive me crazy and play with my mind.  If I don't see the numbers going down it discourages me.  SO!

I now am hanging an article of clothing the next size down in my bathroom, where I will see it multiple times a day.  I will try it on every Friday morning, and when I can comfortable wear it I will weigh myself.  My item at the moment is this jean skirt:
Excuse the mirror on it...should have removed it for the pic, but...
I tried it on this morning, and I can get it on, and button and zip it, but it's still a little snug...not comfortable.  But hey!  At least I could button and zip it!  I will try again next Friday!
New foods for this week?  Tried this THM Taco SoupI thought it was good, needed something but the flavor was good.  The rest of my family didn't care for it...I think mostly because it still needed something...beans, or quinoa, or...something. 
I have really struggled with my sweet tooth this week.  I think almost everyday I caved and filled it.  Yesterday I was determined not too...and I made it.  I kept thinking of that skirt hanging in my bathroom!  One day at a time!
Pilot has been studying all week preparing for his ACT test which is tomorrow.
LegoMan is reading Old Yeller this week, and doing well with reading.  Spelling is still a challenge but we are working on it.
Firefighter has been busy with school and work.
I am up to March 2008 on my scrapbooks!  (that's the pics that are printed!)  I have pretty much decided I am going to get caught up with what is already printed then print the others and fill them in.  I will take advantage of any "free print" specials that I can find in the mean time though. 
I scrapped some photos yesterday that made me really really miss the little boys!  I was working on February 2003...LegoMan's 7th birthday (goal is to do at least one month/day some days get more...).
He had asked for a "Horton".  At that time Kohls Cares had Dr. Suess creatures and matching books...SIDENOTE: I love Kohls Cares books and creatures...wish my boys weren't' too big for them now...LOL  His birthday "night" he was "reading" his new book to Yertle, and Horton.
He had wanted an "Awmy" (army) jeep cake.  I didn't know how in the world I was going to do that, but after some thought and "research" I came up with one!  I love making their cakes as creative "new ideas".  Not the star drop decorated shaped cakes.  I tried to be original.  This was one of the "funner" creations.  When he got home from school...the look on his face was priceless!  Made all the stress worth it! (of course...since it's a had to have been mud running.) ;)
Hope you all have a blessed weekend.
We'll keep on,


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Sycamine Tree Part V

This week will be the final sycamine tree lesson.  Part V.  Here is Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV if you have missed them.

As before, please keep in mind my (DISCLAIMER:  I know nothing of Rick Renner or Rick Renner Ministries.  I am in no way promoting them, only using this writing of his that was very good.)   And that all MY (and things the teacher added) thoughts will be in italics.
Part V

4.  The sycamine tree was pollinated only by wasps.

It is very interesting to note that the sycamine tree was not naturally pollinated.  The pollination process was only initiated when a wasp stuck its stinger right into the heart of the fruit.  Thus, the tree and it's fruit had to be "stung" in order to be reproduced.  Had to be stung to reproduce!

Think of how many times you have heard a bitter person say:  "I've been stung by that person once, but I'm not going to be stung again!  What he did hurt me so badly that I'll never let him get close enough to sting me again!"  It is likely that people who make such a statement have been "stung" by a situation that the devil especially devised to pollinate their hearts and souls with bitterness and unforgiveness.  When a person talks like this, you can know for sure that the wasp of bitterness got to them!

Jesus said that in order to rid this nuisance from one's life, a person must have faith the size of "a grain of mustard see."  The word "grain" is the Greek word kokkos.  It describes a see, a grain, or a very small kernel.  Jesus uses the example of a "mustard" seed in this example.  The word "mustard" is the Greek word sinapi, which refers to the small mustard plant that grows from a  tiny, miniscule seed.

By using this word, Jesus was telling His disciples that a great amount of faith is not needed to deal with bitterness and unforgiveness.  Any person who has even a tiny measure of faith can speak to bitterness and unforgiveness and command them to leave-IF that is really the desire of his heart.

So what is your desire today, friend?  Do you genuinely wish to be free from the bitterness, unforgiveness, and offense that has festered in your soul for so long?  Are  you ready to rip those destructive roots clear out of your heart so they won't be able to resurface in your life again?  Are you tired of those detrimental attitudes killing your joy, stealing your peace, and nullifying your spiritual life? 

I hope you have enjoyed these lessons as much as I have!  It definitely brought about some thinking and soul searching in myself!  Hope you have a blessed week!

Over here we are still,

Friday, January 30, 2015

Weigh In

Birthday week...need I say more?  LOL

Although, I did try something new this week.

I have had a bag of Quinoa in the cabinet for a very long time while...I have been scared to try it.  Never had it...never cooked it...I was scared of it!

Well...we were out of rice...and I NEEDED to make something to go with our stir fry.  SOOOO...I fixed it!  AND....

We liked it!  The 2 younger boys aren't sold (Pilot is a die hard rice lover) but the rest of us actually liked it!  YAY!  Another non-potato option!

I also tried this recipe for Italian Turkey Burger Soup.  Just use coconut oil in place of the olive oil.  Definitely works for THM!  And it was super yummy!  We LOVED it!
In other news:
The flu bug has been visiting our house this week.  Hopefully it is on it's way out the door!
Pilot has finished Driver's Ed, and got a 94% on his written test.  Now for the driving part...and to finish getting his hours in.  Hopefully we can get his license before his birthday!  He also has to take the ACT test next week...ugh.
We are still plugging along with school. 
Firefighter is doing good with classes, and work.
LegoMan is still LegoMan...LOL.
I am still working on trying to catching up scrapbooks.  I am up to 2007!  Only 7 years behind!  But I seem to be missing some pictures...Trying to find them!
As always, we are still,

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Another Year

Has gone by, and I am blessed!

"MY" day began with finding this card 
propped up in the bathroom.  My hubby knows how to pick a good card!  It brought tears to my eyes.  Inside he had added this:
God painted my world a beautiful snowy white!  So I had snow for my day as well! 

I met and had lunch with my dad at a Mexican was good!  And I had a good visit with my dad.  We were there for like 2.5 hours!  My dad gave me a card that also brought tears to my eyes. (Yes I know I'm sappy...can't help it!)
All day I received texts and messages from family and friends.
All "my men" fixed dinner.  My hubby got a Coldstone cake...(No it's not THM, but it's my birthday!) :P And they have DELICIOUS cakes!
He couldn't find any candles so this is what he used...LOL  And this cake was midnight (dark) chocolate!  MMMMMM!!!!!
Some friends came over and "shared" my cake with me.  And they brought me coffee shop gift card, and a massage certificate....AAAAUUUUUU!  I'm feeling relaxed just thinking about it!
Cards in the mail...
Phone 84 year old grandmother called me.  She also sent me a card with money in it, but she called me too.  I didn't have to get a card from her, just the fact that she called me...remembers to call, and is still here to call me is enough!  She NEVER forgets any of her kids, grandkids, great grandkids birthdays.  Even all the in-laws grandkid in-laws too get cards for their birthdays!  And it bothers her tremendously if she gets your card to you late!  She wants it to arrive ON your birthday!  She is amazing!  And I'm SOOO thankful for her! 
But my hubby scored the points AGAIN!   He got me my first EVER Coach!
I am so excited!  I love it!  I love the color!  And a Mophie!
I spent the day surrounded by family and friends and felt the love!
Blessed while,

Monday, January 26, 2015

Sycamine Tree~Part IV

This week we will cover Part IV.  Here is Part I, Part II, and Part III if you need to catch up.

Please keep in mind my (DISCLAIMER:  I know nothing of Rick Renner or Rick Renner Ministries.  I am in no way promoting them, only using this writing of his that was very good.)   And that all MY (and things the teacher added) thoughts will be in italics.
Part IV

3.  The sycamine tree produced a fig that was very bitter to eat.

Luke 17:6  And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard see, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.

In Matthew 18:8-9 it talks about if thy hand or foot offend thee cut them off...if thine eye offend thee pluck it out...

Definition of PLUCK=to pull quickly or pick off or out from its place of growth; to remove or force out abruptly with sudden force or jerk to remove or detach; to pull or jerk; snatch; yank; separate

This "plucking" is like a "wow" moment.  "Be thou plucked up by the root..."  jerk it's going to take some effort...some sweating...some doing and you can't get ahold of it and just kind of have to JERK...YANK with force!

The sycamine tree and the mulberry tree were very similar in appearance;  the two trees even produced a fruit that looked identical.  However, the fruit of the sycamine tree was extremely bitter.  Its fruit looked just as luscious and delicious as the mulberry fig.  But when a person tasted the fruit of the sycamine fig, he discovered that it was horribly bitter.
(Bitter- having a harsh disagreeable taste; hard to admit or accept.)

Mulberry figs were delicious and therefore expensive.  Because of the cost of this fruit, it was primarily eaten by wealthier people.  But the sycamine fig was cheap and therefore affordable to poorer people.  Because the poor couldn't afford the luscious mulberry fig, they munched on the sycamine fig as a substitute.

However, the sycamine fig was so bitter that it couldn't be eaten whole.  In order to consume an entire sycamine fig, the eater had to nibble on it a little bit at a time.  After a pause, the eater would return to nibble on it again, but he could never devour an entire piece of this fruit at one time;  it was just too tart and pungent to eat at one sitting.

Jesus lets us know that like the sycamine fruit, the fruit of bitterness and unforgiveness is bitter, tart, and pungent.  Like the fig, most people who are bitter and filled with unforgiveness chew on their feelings for a long time.  They nibble on bitterness for a while; then they pause to digest what they've eaten.  After they have reflected deeply on their offense, they return to the memory table to start nibbling on bitterness again - taking one little bite, then another little bite, then another.  As they continue to think and meditate on their offense, they internalize their bitter feelings toward those who have offended them.  In the end, their perpetual nibbling on the poisonous fruit of bitterness makes them bitter, sour people themselves. 

(They develop a "taste" for it.  You know if you don't like something and you keep trying it and keep trying it eventually you can develop a "taste" for it and learn to "like" it.)

And just as the primary consumers of the sycamine fruit were poor people, those who sit around and constantly meditate on every wrong that has ever been done to them are usually bound up with all kinds of poverty.  Their bitter attitude not only makes them spiritually poor, but they are also frequently defeated, depressed, sick, and financially poor as well.  Those who are bitter are Spiritually poor and nibbling on the sycamine fig.

Psalms 55:12-22 
12  For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it:  neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him;
13 But it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance.
14  We took sweet counsel together, and walked unto the house of God in company.
15  Let death seize upon them, and let them go down quick into hell:  for wickedness is in their dwellings, and among them.
16  As for me, I will call upon God; and the Lord shall save me.
17  Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud:  and he shall hear my voice.
18  He hath delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me:  for there were many with me.
19  God shall hear, and afflict them, even he that abideth of old.  Selah.  Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God.
20  He hath put forth his hands against such as be at peace with him:  he hath broken his covenant.
21  The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart:  his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords.
22  Cast they burden up then Lord, and he shall sustain thee:  he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

It's not the stranger or even the enemy that hurts us so much.  We don't know them...they don't know us, so it's easier to just "forget" about it.  But it's the person that was our FRIEND!  Someone we are/were close too.  I think of all the "Parts" of this lesson this one was one of the most touching to me.  These passages of scripture really rang out to me in this lesson.  Such a personal relationship with God.  Forgiveness is all about keeping yourself.  It's not so much FOR the other person, but for free yourself!  Oh the liberating of this!!! 

I don't know if these lessons are doing for you what they have been and are doing for me, but I have been thoroughly enjoying them!


Sunday, January 25, 2015

I Don't Care How Old They Are...

...when a boy is sick he wants his momma (or wife if he has one) to take care of them!

My husbands phone rings at 2:30 A.M.  I was out.  In my subconscious state I thought it was his alarm clock, until I hear him talking to it.  Then I was like no wait, he's on the phone, (or else he's crazy and trying to answer his alarm clock.)  It took a moment to register, then fear kicks in.  That's what happens when your phone rings in the middle of the night.  It usually means someone died or is about to die...or some other SERIOUS emergency. 

I hear my husband say, "I'll be there in a few minutes." ..."No I'm leaving right now, as soon as I get dressed."

By this time I am sitting up on the bed.  He hangs up the phone and says, "Firefighter's sick.  I need to go pick him up."  Firefighter was at work.  He was doing an overnight 16 hour shift.  He had awakened dizzy, light headed, throwing up and feeling like he was going to pass out.  I said, "Well I will go with you so we can go ahead and  bring his car back."  So at 2:30 A.M. we throw on whatever clothes we can find and head out the door.  We get there and he is about to throw up again.  He heads to the bathroom and waves for me to follow him.  I do.  We get in there and well lets just say you know he's sick if he says, "Please don't leave me.  I feel like I'm going to pass out."  (but that's what a mother does.  She is there for you at your best...and your worst.  She would have it no other way.)

Well, that was the beginning of a LOOONNNGGG night.  For him and I both!  This virus is violent and hateful!  He was throwing up every 15-20 minutes for 3 hours!  He laid on the couch, I was on the loveseat....praying!  I would try to get him to drink some peppermint tea, or anything really, just because I think it's easier to have something to throw up than to just dry heave.  He couldn't do it.  So I kept watching the poor guy dry heave.  There is something about a mother watching her child be sick.  I don't care how old they are, it breaks your heart...esp. when there is nothing you can do for them except rub their back, get cool wash cloths, wipe their face, bring them pillows, blankets, water, empty the "puke bucket"...give them love. 

As I do all these things I wonder, How in the world could a mother kill or seriously hurt her child on purpose?  I can't stand to see him in this pain of just having a stomach virus.

After 3 hours he had about an hour break.  That was the last time he threw up.  About 6:00.  I still laid there until about 8:00.  I thought, I better go see if the others are going to go to church.  "yes, are you?"  I said, "there is no way I am leaving him here by himself."  I'm thinking what if he passed out?  What if he needs me to get him something?  Besides, I've been up all night long there is no way I could make it through church.  So here I stayed...and slept.  We both slept.  We are both feeling better, me somewhat rested and he is calmer.  He is sore from dry heaving and just laying.  Asking for Gatorade.  His dad will bring him some home.

As a mother, yes, I hate when my kids are sick, but I will stay up all night and make sure they are comfortable.  Or stay close by them in case they need anything.  And I'm reminded...If I love my child(ren) that much, how much more God loves me...and them.  When I worry about "things" and wonder what is going to happen...I need to just remember God is right there, he is close by in case I need anything.  He will be right there, ready to give us whatever it is we need.  No matter how old we are...we need God to take care of us...all the time!

(Now hopefully this hateful thing doesn't think it needs to go through everyone of us.)

Lessons of,

Friday, January 23, 2015

Weigh In

So some have asked if I am still doing THM.  Yes, I am.  "Life" keeps happening and I'm still not back on plan like I wanted to be by this point, but I am getting there.  I am stuck at my holiday gain...but at least it's staying there and not going up.  I have done better the last couple days.  I was doing good...then we had to travel out of state (drove 27 hours in 3 days!!!) for a funeral.  This weekend is my birthday weekend, so yes I'm going to be bad.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE Coldstone ice cream cakes...I had originally told my hubby to not get me a cake this year.  Maybe just a piece of cheesecake from Cheesecake factory or something.  OH, but the total look of disappointment on his face!  I said "Ok, but just a small one though.  I don't want it left here for me to eat on for a week!"  He agreed.  I will see how big it is...I may have to invite friends over to help eat it.
Any who...I did try something kind of "new".  You know I have been substituting Cauliflower for potatoes.  Well I made "potato" soup...only it was cauliflower soup.  It was YUMMY!  And I made a BIG pot of it so I could eat it for lunch.  Lunch is my hardest meal of the day.  Mainly because I don't want to stop and take the time to cook/prepare something.  It's easier for me to make a big batch of "something" either for dinner at the beginning of the week or just for lunch and then eat it all week. 

The other thing that is so hard for me is when everyone else is snacking in the evening.  It's cold outside so we sit here and read or play games or whatever, and everyone wants to snack.  I try to snack on nuts or something, but sometimes I just WANT what they are eating.  I'm working on that as well!

In OTHER news:

Pilot has been taking drivers ed this week and takes it next week as well.  The poor boy.  He really needed to take it a year ago, but since his dad was out of a job at that time we are just now where we felt like we could work it in the budget.  He has never once complained about it though, bless his heart.  He's just been so sweet about it.  We (and by "we" I mean my husband because I am too much of a scaredy cat) are working on trying to get all his hours in so he can get his license hopefully BEFORE he turns 17.  Then Lego Man informed me that in a year and a half he gets his permit.  NOOOO!!!  STOP!!!!  Where DOES the time go?!

We have also been preparing Pilot for the ACT test in a couple weeks. 

Firefighter, has made some decisions about his career and is making strides in that.  He wanted "something" else along with the firefighting/paramedics.  He has decided he wants to do care flight medic as well as working part time for his station.  He has researched what he has to do to get there and is working that direction.  I am proud of his ambitions, and that he is working towards them!  He is a hard worker and loves what he is doing!  That was important to me and one thing I tried to teach them.   To go after a job they would love!

We are still house hunting...there appears to be some starting to show up again.  We knew that there would be more in the spring.  We also have another bit of info we are waiting on to help with that process.  Praying for that info to receive a speedy process.

While waiting, I have been working on organizing my pictures.  I am SOOO far behind in my scrapbooking.  I think I finally have them all organized, now to print them.  Doing a little at a time until I get them all.  Hopefully I will have a craft room soon and it will be so much easier to get them scrapped. 

I think that catches you up on the life here where the Kegs (as some of our friends affectionately call us) are,

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Sycamine Tree ~ Part III

Today we are going to cover Part III.  If you missed Part 1 and Part II you can catch up.

I also found this quote and thought it went along well with Part 1 but will go with the whole lesson.

Please keep in mind my (DISCLAIMER:  I know nothing of Rick Renner or Rick Renner Ministries.  I am in no way promoting them, only using this writing of his that was very good.)   And that all MY (and things the teacher added) thoughts will be in italics.
Part III

2.  The sycamine tree's wood was the preferred wood for building caskets.

In Egypt and the Middle East, the sycamine tree was considered to be the preferred wood for building caskets and coffins.  It grew quickly and in nearly any environment, making it accessible in many different places.  It also grew best in dry conditions - the kind of conditions for which the Middle East is famous.  These are two reasons sycamine wood was used in so many  places for building caskets and coffins.

Again, we can see why this illustration of the sycamine tree is so ideal for portraying bitterness and unforgiveness.  Just as the sycamine tree grew very quickly, so does bitterness and unforgiveness.  In fact, it doesn't take too long at all for these evil forces to get out of control and start taking over the whole place!  When these fast-growing and ugly attitudes are allowed to grow freely, they not only spoil the condition of your own heart, but they ruin your relationships with other people.

Also, just as the sycamine tree grew easily in every environment, so does bitterness.  It doesn't matter where people are from, where they live, what kind of cultural background they grew up in, or what level of society they belong to - bitterness and unforgiveness grow in human hearts everywhere, for they are universal in their scope of evil influence.

The sycamine tree grew best where little rain fell and water was sparse.  Isn't this just like bitterness and unforgiveness?  These negative attitudes flourish where spiritually dry conditions exist.  You can almost count on finding bitterness and unforgiveness growing and blossoming where there is no repentance, no joy, and no fresh rain of the Spirit.  (If you have no moisture in your soul you can just about guarantee to find bitterness.)

And don't forget that sycamine wood was the preferred wood for building caskets and coffins.  What a powerful message this is!  It tells us that bitterness and unforgiveness are DEADLY.  Harboring bitterness will spiritually bury you more quickly than anything else!  These attitudes are the materials that Satan uses to put you six feet underground!  Let me stress this point to you because it's so important:  If you permit bitterness and unforgiveness to grow in your life, it won't be long until these attitudes have killed your joy, stolen your peace, and canceled out your spiritual life!

A life of,

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

'An That

My grandmother had a horrible habit of saying "an that" at random places in her communication.  This post is a bit of this...'an that. :)

First let me say, my posts are MY/OUR (as in 'our' I mean my husband and I) story.  The personal experiences I share are just that.  They are not intended to hurt anyone, hence the reason there are no names mentioned.  If you read it and realize you are the person behind the experience...know that you gave us an experience to learn by.  Please don't be offended.  We are in this journey to help each other and if you put us through an experience that made us stronger, wiser...thank you!  Some experiences, while going through them I wished I didn't have to, but once past them and looking back I see where they helped us. 

Now on to other pieces of randomness...'an that.

Isn't this the most beautiful sight?!  I absolutely love finding him sitting reading a book when it's not "school time"!  This was taken on SUNDAY!!!!  He didn't HAVE to be reading but he was!!!!  So thankful for the progress we have made this year!
Same "dude" picked Chemistry/Physics for his Science this year (I hate Science, but he loves it...and of course Chemistry has a lot of "experiments"...sigh...)  LOL  Some of the experiments aren't bad...some of them are just flat annoying.  LOL  This one was cool...not as cool as I thought it would be, but it was still cool.  We were making a "lava lamp"...only there was no light. 
 Pilot got one of his bazillion flashlights and tried to give us a light.  LOL  It just didn't bubble quite as much as I thought it would.  We even put in several Alka Selzer tablets, but oh well, I think he got the point of what it was suppose to do...
While we are playing the "waiting" game, I've been somewhat simplifying our home.  Waiting to buy a house is the waiting game we are playing.  There is a minor detail we are waiting on, that HOPEFULLY will happen within the next month.  Anywho...I think I have pretty much completed what I can for now.  While organizing, I found a couple things my sister gave me to do after our mother passed away. 
One was the pictures of her journey through breast cancer, and the supplies to scrapbook them.  I completed that book yesterday morning with the exception that I need to buy another pack of page protectors. 
The other was all the loose pictures that mom had that had not been put into an album.  Let me tell you some of those were fun looking through!  I think I have completed sorting through all of them.  But there were a lot!  So instead of scrapping all of them I sorted them in piles of "whose" they are.  All of my siblings are going to get "their" piles, and I will scrapbook the ones that were mom and dad/family/whatever.  So that is the project I am working on at the moment. 
When that one is done I plan to start sorting through my own pictures.  I actually have mine sorted by years, I just need to figure out what I need to have printed and catch up my own scrapbooks. 
Just some random pieces of our life 'an that
while we are,

Monday, January 12, 2015

Sycamine Tree~Part II

As we covered Part I last week.  Today we are going to cover Part II. 

Please keep in mind my (DISCLAIMER:  I know nothing of Rick Renner or Rick Renner Ministries.  I am in no way promoting them, only using this writing of his that was very good.)   And that all MY (and things the teacher added) thoughts will be in italics.

1.  The sycamine tree had a very large and deep root structure.

The sycamine tree was known to have one of the deepest root structures of all trees in the Middle East.  It was a vigorous and robust tree that grew to a height of thirty feet or more.  Because its roots went down so deep into the earth, it was very difficult to kill.  Hot weather and blistering temperatures had little effect on this tree because it was tapped into a water source down deep under the earth.  Even cutting it to its base would not guarantee its death because its roots, hidden deep under the ground, would draw from underground sources of water, enabling it to keep resurfacing again and again.  In other words, this tree was VERY difficult to eradicate. 

(just look at these roots...they are bigger than the tree itself!)

No wonder Jesus used this tree as an example of bitterness and unforgiveness!  Like the sycamine tree, bitterness and unforgiveness must be dealt with clear to the roots, or they will keep springing up again and again.  The roots of bitterness and unforgiveness go down deep into the human soul, fed by any offense that lies hidden in the soil of the heart.  That hidden source of offense will cause these evil forces to resurface in a person's life over and over again.  It will take a serious decision for that person to rip those roots of bitterness and offense out of his heart once and for all so they can't grow back in the future.

Some definitions:
give- let go; give up; completely give up; give up desire to see it punished; untie; release
forgive-to grant pardon for an offense
rebuke-sharp, stern disapproval of.
offense-insult; injury; striking against; feelings being hurt
trespass- when someone crosses our boundaries and hurts us.violation; causes injury to person, property or rights of another; unlawful act

Matthew 18:21-22 Jesus tells us to forgive 70 times 7...he doesn't literally mean 490 times.  He is saying over and over and over...I mean really if you are counting there is already something working.

I mentioned last week that sometimes we need to "rebuke" the offender...they may not (or may) know that they have caused an offense. 

Hebrews 12:15 looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;

Forgiveness isn't for the offender.  It's for the offended.  The Hebrew writer said LOOKING DILIGENTLY LEST...  Also Luke 17:3 says; Take HEED to YOURSELVES:  if thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him.

Take HEED!  Heed- give careful attention to.  Take heed TO YOURSELF, so do protect yourself.  Forgiveness it to protect your own heart!  Your own self! 

I remember my mother telling me one time about something that had happened to her.  I can't find the date (if I do find it I will edit the post and insert it.) but there was a devotion in the Streams in the Desert that talked about someone who had been deeply hurt.  They went out and dug a hole and buried the hurt...but they had to dig it deep.  My mother was so hurt by this individual...hurt deeply.  One day she was determined she was going to get rid of this hurt.  She went to her room, closed the door, and was not coming out until God had taken it from her.  She got down to pray and she mentally began digging a hole.   After a while she said, I think this is deep enough.  No, you need to go deeper.  So she dug deeper.  This went on for a while.  Finally, she felt a peace that the hole was deep enough.  She laid her hurt there, and covered it up.  Yes, she still remembered what had happened, but she no longer carried the hurt with her.  She had given it to God.

Just like the sycamine roots are so very deep, we have to dig deep to get to the ROOT of the problem so it can be eradicated.  I have never forgotten that story.  What if my mother had not gone deeper when the still small voice told her too?  It would have been too near the surface, that it could have been dug back up.  She had to make sure it was deep enough so it couldn't poke it's ugly head back up.

My own personal experience.  Several years ago, I received the ugliest, nastiest letter on my birthday.  I cried for days...weeks...I was so hurt, so crushed, so...everything.  It was just horrible!  I had kept that letter for a while, b/c once the hurt passed, then I became angry.  I was so angry at this person.  I do not remember how long I kept this, but one day as I was mentally struggling with this, and really wanted to be free of the anger.  I really felt God was telling me to let it go...just let it go!  I can't remember the exact situation now...I don't remember if we were having a family campfire, or just burning some boxes or what, but I got that letter and burnt it.  It was so liberating to be free from that letter.  I could go around that individual after that, it was tense, but I could do it.  And I would try to do things, small things for that person.  I really was probably doing it for myself to help me deal with it, but I did.  It seemed to only frustrate the other person, but I kept on.  Not trying to frustrate them, but b/c I wanted to prove I still cared.  I don't know when...I don't know how (I do know God...)...but at some point that wall crumbled and to this day I do not remember anything that was written in that letter, and this person and I can talk freely and are on good terms with each other.  I can now honestly say I love this person dearly.   It certainly was nothing I done...nothing at all.  It was definitely God.  But I had to be obedient to what He inspired me to do. 

I am currently in a situation that is a little harder to seem to rectify.  There are some you have to bury and then keep your distance.  It happens.  If someone willingly will not respect your boundaries you have to put some distance there.  If someone is bent on continually hurting you, you aren't going to keep going around them.  I received some counseling on this situation because I really needed to know if I was as horrible as I was being told I was.  Because if I was, I was badly deceived, and needed help.  The devil was making a playground out of this situation.  It was put to me this way;  if you knew every time you walked by me I was going to kick you in the shins or spit on you, eventually you would stop walking by me and make every effort to find another way.  That is not is avoiding unnecessary pain.  You still have to pray for the person(s) involved, and you can't hate them, and you have to forgive them, but you do not have to knowingly put yourself in position to be hurt.  This situation is a burden to me, and I have to make sure I do not become bitter.  Sometimes it's harder if things were also said of your spouse and/or children. (as in this case it was...and I KNOW those things were untrue)  The wife/mom in you wants to stand up and defend their honor!  Sometimes when I see those individuals all I can think about is what was said...then I know I still need to dig a little deeper.  This lesson has helped me to realize I need to dig a little deeper to bury this hurt.  So that I can honestly see them and that not be my first thoughts.  Yes, there may always be a wall there, that may be something I can do nothing about, but I sure want to protect my own heart!  I will know I have dug deep enough when I see them or think of them and not think of what was said.  In fact, I just remembered...I think I have some evidence around here still.  I am going to go "burn" that right now!  Keeping "evidence" is a sign you are not ready to let it go.  It's also too easy to go back and "refresh the pain"...  Just keeping it real.  :)

UPDATE:  I did find the "evidence" in a folder titled "Misery Loves Company".  I'm sure when I made the folder I was thinking of them...but...anywho...I deleted it. I didn't open and read any of it...just deleted it.  But then you also have to take out the trash...don't leave it in the trash so it's easy to get back.  I "took out the trash too"!

Yes, I am still learning and,