our Thanksgiving. Most of my family came to my house this year. 2 of my sisters and their families were not here. I am a "fancy" person and like things to be nice. So I wanted to do a sit-down-pass-the-dishes meal...and everyone dress up. To me that is "fun". :) And we all know that how we dress affects how we "feel" and "act". Don't believe me? Try it! When I have a day that I feel somewhat discouraged or down...if I put on some nice clothes and make my self "feel" helps the mood. But I digress...
My handsome hubby wanted to smoke the turkeys...He smoked was for some friends.
The Kind of the castle...carving said Turkeys...
Some of my "fanciness"...china was my mothers...of course we had to use it...yes it all had to be hand washed...:)
Had to put the adult table in the I had to try to fix it up some...:) You know make the most with what you have!
Kids' table...wanted them to feel like they were important too :)
My dad's wife made this cute turkey. :)
Kids at their table. With all their own dishes. One of the girls was worried if they had everything on their table that the adults had on theirs. LOL (yes they did.)
After dinner and after we cleaned up, we played games and just hung out. Overall, I'd say it was a good day. Of course we had plenty of leftovers! Still have some hanging around!

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